While Plant Healer is itself a low-income project and the Confluence depends on the  funds from paid tickets, it’s also extremely important to us that we support the efforts and education of those who could not afford to attend without our help.  For these, we offer both Work Trade and Scholarships.

In addition, we love to barter for tickets when possible, and would be happy to consider your offers.

Work Trade

We offer WorkTrade to a limited number of committed, excited-to-help assistants on site each year.  We will give you a ticket valued at $450 in exchange for a $100 nonrefundable commitment fee and 8 to 16 hours staffing the registration or merchandise tables, or else 30 hours of outreach postings, emails and calls before the  event.  Please wait until you are accepted before sending the fee.  

Download, fill out and return the Assistance Application below.


Just because you are short on cash, does not mean you can’t find some way to give back. We sometimes trade tickets for medicinal herbs and shrooms, products, crafts, 4:20, homegrown food and more. 

To offer, download, fill out and return the Assistance Application below.


Each year we are pleased to help ensure the attendance and education of a number of  applicants chosen from among the most in need and enthused.... offering an  opportunity to apply for one of the full or half scholarships that are awarded. 

Fill out and return the AssistanceApplication below.