Attendee Stories & Recommendations:
Herbalists, alchemists, craftspeople and artists of all kinds, wildly talented, deeply intelligent and, on occasion, just plain odd, the presenters and the participants at the Good Medicine Confluence represent a frontier of human understanding and experience. You won’t find a more inspiring gathering of healers and craftspeople than this one, no where else can you share your latest recipe for absinthe, refine your salve, lotion, and cream preparations, compare notes on meads, oxymels, and acetracts, and then talk about crucible steel, astrologically informed spagyrics or wild foraging your next meal… here is the most uniquely diverse gathering of incredible human talent that you will see anywhere. Come and have your eyes opened to a wide world of wonder that you only dreamed possible.”
– Dr. Kenneth Proefrock, ND
“The Confluence is intimate, inspiring, and path-affirming, and a growth experience for me. I connect with so many wonderful humans, learned many a things, and came home fueled for more. Thanks to Wolf and Kiva –– for holding space for all of us hippie, anarchist, neurodivergent, introverted, extraverted, fairy, alchemist, etcetera-spirited beings! You’re the keepers of tradition and of community, and the world wouldn't be the same without your important work.”
–Jessicka Nebesni (Mountain Rose Herbs)
“The Confluence is an herbal community like no other. While the classes and play-shops are amazing, the real reason to go is to make connections and find your tribe. This is the place to team up with fellow agents of change to create a better version of our world, a righteous good time with a hearty tribal stomping! To be in the company of fellow wildlings where you are not only accepted, but fully appreciated for what you bring to the table. Being surrounded by magical healers from various paths, it is the ultimate muggle-free community gathering. It is a welcome sanctuary to all the radicals, outcasts, conformity shakers, and out of the box thinkers, a collection of offbeat change makers that evoke heart warming affirmation and validation for who you are while fostering growth in personal evolution. It holds the sweetest reminder that we are not alone. We walk this path with others who share a mutual vision. Healers of all walks feel right at home, deeply valued to be our most authentic selves. It is an event of stellar community bonding with a rich learning experience, full of atypical classes on a wide diversity of topics. With 5 days of presentations there is enough time to fully drop in for those precious together moments and enjoy oodles of takeaways to nourish the spirit. I’ve attended numerous herbal conferences, and there is none other that compares to this one. So click your heels together three times and say “there’s no place like home”. That’s exactly what it feels like.”
–Heather Luna (Acorn School of Herbal Medicine)
“The Good Medicine Confluence is a convergence of conversing and doing, thinking and feeling, art and science, logic and spirit. It is a gathering of people who see possibilities of healing and vitality flowing through plants, people, and the land.”
–Dara Saville (author, The Ecology of Herbalism)
“Another year at the Good Medicine Confluence has yet again recharged and reinvigorated me. For those of us who are hard core introverts, it’s a reminder that there are many of us walking the often build-it-up-as-you-go path that is herbalism. Each year there are my favorite teachers to look forward to, who unfailingly blow my mind, but I also hit classes by those I don’t know to add to my “favorite teacher” list. I love the combination of history and lore, deep herbalism, plant spirit and metaphysics, plant chemistry and other nerdery that each year brings. Every teacher is a force of nature in their own way and I’m grateful for their offerings. Equally important to me is connecting with my conference kin and picking up where we left off the last time we were together. I’ve been to multiple herb conferences from the witchier to those with men in suits and ties, and while I've come away with good stuff from each and every one, the Confluence remains my favorite because it’s not just a conference, it’s truly a gathering… a coming together, and I always feel both inspired and right at home.” –Dr. Marija Helt (Osadha Natural Health)
“The Good Medicine Confluence surprised and delighted me. It was refreshing to meet so many ardent students of the plant path. While there were many highly skilled herbalists in attendance, I was most struck by the spirit of love and cooperation towards a common way of being. All of the attendees I met had that "vital spark" which seems to generate alchemical and lasting change. The unique blend of technical and mythological classes made the Confluence the perfect gathering for all the unboxable individuals that I am proud to identify with. If you are looking for folks who are learning from the book of life and doing real work in the world, I highly recommend coming!”
–Jason Brazil (Mother’s Blessing Apothecary)
“This was my first year attending the Confluence and I can confidently say that participating is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I am profoundly changed. I have never felt so seen, heard, supported, and nourished as I have by this group of people, place, and mission. I have finally met my people! Thank you for your work, your passion, and your commitment to this event and this community”
–Bianca Camacho
“For years I have struggled to find my place, to heal and be healed was a prayer. Mentally, physically, emotionally; I have struggled and I have emerged again. A consistent cycle. And yet through it all the wild woods were a safe haven, a place to go and simply be me in whatever form I took. This is a familiar story to many, of that I am sure. Even submerged in self doubt and fear the flowers swayed, the trees sang, and the fungi ate the dead and dying. A reminder of our own inner purpose, a promise of "you belong, without having to try." A story as old as time itself. At some point I made a commitment to 'them' and to me. Forever following my wyrd. Conforming was never really an option anyway so, I chose a different path forward. A more unique and authentic one, and regardless of the trials and tribulations I stayed steady. A student taking notes. And well, that path eventually led me to The Good Medicine Confluence. But first I had to fully surrender to the great mystery of what is for me, and walk away from what was not despite my futile attempts to resist. Upon arrival I was met with a deep sense of knowing, one of those “oooooh, right, of course, I do belong..." moments. A healing unlike any other. I could have never asked for anything more. What a gift. You know, the kind that keeps on giving, the kind that leaves you without words and moves you to tears? Yeah. That's the gift of the Good Medicine Confluence. A place where you can learn and grow. Inspire and be inspired. Dinner is served and you have a seat at the table, I promise.”
–Anna Claire
“Since its inception, in all of its incarnations, I've made it a priority to attend the annual Plant Healer conferences Wolf and Kiva offer to our community. The reason why is fairly straightforward: they're friggin' great. From the array of presenters and topics to the people who attend to just the overall vibe... it's where I want to be, what I want to be a part of. The Confluence isn't just an event, it's connection. It's support. It's encouragement. It's renewal... and damn fun, too.”
–Jim McDonald
“The days spent left my heart full to overflowing. Wandering solo at daybreak the wild forest paths, gathering untamed and in-tune medicines for my self and my companions; sitting rapt, enchanted, and putting the pieces together as my most cherished teachers tell their stories and speak of their ways; late night mead circles filled with tales more than words could tell; stargazing into the wee hours embraced by the Ancient Earth's surface. Laughter, intensity, dreams, poetry, beginnings. I am so glad I came. Thank you to the Spirits of this Land, to the community of herbalists and plant healers who've found their way here, despite all odds.”
–Sophia Rose (La Abeja Herbs)
“The most amazing conference, resurrecting the spirit of Herbalism – it is the new nexus of a folk herbalism resurgence!“
-Paul Bergner
“Wow, what a wonderful Confluence! Adam and I enjoyed it deeply as did our friends. Wolf and Kiva did an amazing job organizing compelling speakers and topics which exceeded my expectations. Thank you for that!”
–Ashley Elenbaas (SkyHouse Herbs)
“I'm touched and grateful to be a part of this community of people fighting to reconnect that which was severed; to restore something that most people don't even realize they've lost.”
–Guido Masé
“I had an amazing time at Good Medicine Confluence in Lake George, CO. It was truly a gathering of magical and gifted folks who had good hearts and a love for nature. I was able to retreat on this special land for the duration of the event, camping in my van and going to numerous classes on herbalism, natural healing, bees, trees and good medicine! The land where the event was held this time is expansive. The cozy lodges where we ate and studied in at the front were followed by paths leading to dozens of camping teepees in the center of the land. All of it surrounded by forest with walking trails to explore the beauty around the retreat. I felt so lucky to be surrounded by and able to befriend so many high vibe, magical spirits. It really was a boost I needed! I think the coolest thing I learned last week was how to really connect with the spirit of a thing, the plants and substances we use. Everyday we are taking in plants; whether it’s coffee, cacao (chocolate), tobacco, tea, or your own choice of herbal goodness, and each one has a spirit and a gift. To close your eyes, be grateful and connect with the plant that was alchemized into the form it is now whether by human hands, nature or machine, it has something to offer you. It’s great to connect with its spirit because you can learn about what it does, who it is and the gifts it can offer you and that’s much needed to effectively work with something. I’ve studied natural medicine and herbalism for years now, but this week gifted me a new talent. So for that, I am ever grateful for the BEAUTIFUL souls and the awesome land and the wisdom gained from one cool ass Confluence!”
–Laurel Smith
“This is not a conference, but a gathering of a tribe, all who bring a unique and varied perspective that contributes to the whole energy. Just as a single herb cannot be defined by a single constituent, each person that comes to the Good Medicine Confluence lends a special role that makes for a stronger synergy. Herbalists, students of herbal medicine, plant lovers, land stewards, and simply those with an intellectual curiosity converge and share ideas, inspiration, beauty, and knowledge. I came home with a wealth of knowledge I’m already applying in my practice, grateful for the amazing experience!”
–Holly Dunbar (New Moon Bodywork & Botanicals)
“This Confluence is like no other herbal conference. The community of herbal healers all coming together to unite in education and nature is like something out of a fairy tale. As a speaker for the last few years, I cannot recommend this confluence enough. High level teachers, a wonderful healer's market, and tons of opportunities for extra classes like morning chi gong and medicine making. Kiva and Wolf always outdo themselves with this conference every year –– grateful to be involved in such a magical event!”
–Dana Hutchinson (Wildflower Clinic)
“The best conference I've ever been to. The sparks of creation set ablaze at the Good Medicine Confluence will echo into the future of herbalism in North America! Thanks for letting me help yours and Wolf's dream come true! "
–Howie Brounstein
“Monumental! Quite simply, if you are called to work with herbs, you should attend. Period. End of Story. The venue is perfect. The teachers the best in the world. However all of that awesomeness pales in comparison to the sense of community Kiva and Wolf have created. Going to Plant Healer events is like coming home to a place that you didn't even realize you were nostalgic for.”
–Thomas Easley
“Make plans for next year! This conference felt like the beginning of a new herbal era. I honestly believe it will be looked upon as an historical moment.”
–Rosalee de la Foret
“I couldn't begin to express how much being able to participate in the Plant Healer community means to me, and the depth of the gifts of knowledge, wisdom, affirmation, and challenge that come with being surrounded by so many wonderful teachers and folks of overlapping paths. It is a truly wondrous joy... creating a home for all of us.
–Maleza Furiosa
“The Good Medicine Confluence was a very powerful experience. It was fun to listen to teachers and hear that some had the same obsessions as me, and coming home after 5 days at the gathering I feel a stronger sense of who I am and where I want to go. I feel more courage to pursue what really lights me up, instead of going along with what feels comfortable. I wasn't expecting to be transformed by the Confluence, but I really was. It brought my teaching and embodiment to a new level. As both a teacher and human being, in subtle ways it encouraged me to be myself more fully!”
–Laura Adrian (Whole Life Elevation)
“The Confluence was much more than I had imagined. Even though I am not an official student of herbal medicine, it broadened my scope so much and gave me so many resources to explore. It is amazing how far and wide the effects of this gathering will reach. And I want to thank Wolf for his encouragement, his talks at the confluence are filled with exactly what people (including myself) need to hear, and what a lot of the more academic side of this whole endeavor of healing can miss out on as a whole. His encouraging words stoke the fires of inspiration and motivation, some of which can so easily dwindle down to small flames or just embers in this day and age. It was so good to meet you and I hope we will again. It is good to know I have family that I actually feel a connection to. Thank you for keeping traditions, intelligence, strength, and connection well and alive in community.”
“My wife Holly and I both learned so much from the classes we were able to attend and were so glad to meet so many kind and aware people that share our love for the Earth! Thank you so much for a year of effort putting this together and everything you all sacrificed to make this work. You are a wonderful and inspiring bunch and I hope to not only see you at next year’s conference but to cross paths with you in the future. What an amazing experience.”
–Jason Hildebrandt
“From the very start, journeying to the Confluence had the feeling of setting off on a pilgrimage – an initiation of sorts. Every beautiful magical synchronicity continued to line up throughout my time there starting with check in at the bookstore table. I knew prior to arriving that I wanted to purchase the beautiful Hedge Guild Oracle Deck and Companion Book. The first card I pulled from my deck was lucky number 13, The Hedge Counsel. I felt such such a deep resonance with this reading as I have had dreams and visions my whole life of meeting on the astral planes with counsels of teachers and guides. It spoke to the higher duty of my heart and soul. I loved every step I took up and down the paths of the beautiful land there and just kept slap-happily giggling to myself: ”I’m finally getting the kind of higher education and campus that I’ve always wanted” and quite frankly we all deserve. So thank you so very much Kiva and Jesse for all of your love, vision, devotion and hard work to create this portal of healing that ripples out infinitely beyond all the madness in this world, and finds its way to us so that we may be nourished, supported and inspired to continue paying it forward! I hope to gather with you again in the future.”
–Veronica Carneal
“As we meander along the narrow Colorado highway our hearts thump in rhythm with the forest, blood flowing loosely. The shift in the air is palpable as we near this revolutionary annual event. Imagine such a gathering of the folks, bright and curious, open in heart as they carry their torches toward valleys anew. This group, wherever we shall gather, is a true meeting of spirit, mind and heart. Children run at my heels playing mountain lions, growling from their chest as they scamper along the wood. My four year old says she will learn even more about plants and their medicine after sitting in on Wolf’s always lively and inspirational talk, Dana Hutchinson’s light and full truths, Courtney Cosgriff’s holy commitment to bees. In a world so perpetually robotic, it is our duty to honor those willing to know themselves and share their findings. These trailblazing, ever powerful, always curious, self adapting, question-asking-kind-of-people. My people. Woven through the canyon are tipi’s and circus tents, gypsy wagons and forest. Conversations flowing all around. A number of attendees speak about themselves candidly, open. Many saying something similar, ’how introverted they are, how they typically wouldn’t attend a large event, preferring small groups.’ All the while here they are, spilling their souls to a stranger in a new place and seem to truly enjoy this rare moment of sociality and connectedness. How it warms my heart to witness, for I too am a person who thrives when alone. Yet, here we all are. With full hearts we flit from tent to patio, lodge to lunch. Receiving gifts of true blue smiles from truth seekers, consciousness shifters..and I know that I belong. My being revels in this unique, brilliant, caring tribe of creators. May we return home with full cups, warm hearts and sharp minds. May our coalesced lapping of this shore make waves! Until next time.”
–Rain McCue
“As I write this, the 14th annual Good Medicine Confluence has come to a close. I wake up in a campground to singing — it’s a slow sad song and I can’t quite catch the words, but it takes its time rolling out over the shallow river as I start the morning with coffee. And I can’t help it, I’m almost crying at the sound of their voices that come together in a way that feels so right, that is, people gathering and setting intention together, a practice as old as time itself. This kind of togetherness is something we all need in one way or another. And it makes me wonder why as herbalists we aren't doing more of it. We’re not a religious movement, in fact — we're something more: An invitation to each individual walking the land to connect with it, to feed it prayers, restore it, and along the way — learn to work with rather than against its abundance. We want you to find your power, and harness it to heal: First yourself, and then others. Make no mistake, it's a great spiritual act that will require much of you. But we've never met anyone yet who claims it wasn't worth it. And so I'm asking you now fellow herbalists, what will you do to fill up your sacred container? What will you create for yourself and your community in the coming year? How will you add to the conversation? Maybe you’ll finally take the first step towards opening that herbal business, whether it’s seeing clients, selling products, or some form of education. Maybe you’ll set up a healing center in your community, or apprentice with an herbalist in the field. Perhaps you’ll do something even smaller but no less powerful, like set aside a number of hours every week to study herbs, make medicine, and build up your apothecary. Whatever the next year holds for you (until we meet again), I hope you make it a good one, and that you’ll join me in putting something imperfect but necessary into your bag and then eventually— out into our parched culture. We're in a dry spell, but the monsoons are coming, and I know that you’ll all be part of it!”
–Larissa Runkle
“This gathering was just what I needed! It was indeed a homecoming. The classes and the people I met will help me shift into the next incarnation of my work. Over and over I heard at the confluence how it was such a relief and refreshment to be with people who “get it”, no lengthy explanations needed. Minds and hearts communicating on the same wavelength. Beautiful. Deep. Inspiring. Hopeful. Fun. Expansive. Passionate. True. Those are some of the words that come to me when trying to describe this experience. Thank you Kiva, Wolf and the many others who helped create this space for us to gather and share our authentic selves.”
–Helena Wu (Mama Wu’s Good Medicine)
“The Good Medicine Confluence is like no other herbal conference. The community of herbal healers all coming together to unite in education and nature is like something out of a fairy tale. As a speaker for the last few years, I cannot recommend this confluence enough. High level teachers, a wonderful healer's market, and tons of opportunities for extra classes like morning qi gong and medicine making. Kiva and Wolf always outdo themselves with this conference every year –– grateful to be involved in such a magical event!”
–Dana Hutchinson (Wildflower Clinic)
“It was a real delight to attend and teach at the Good Medicine Confluence again this year ... Great variety of teachers and topics, so much learning, community connection, and outright fun. I highly recommend putting this one on your calendar for 2023!”
–Lisa Ganora (Elderberry School)
“The Plant Healer gatherings never cease to amaze me! The Good Medicine Confluence is a balm for the herb lovers heart. There is nothing that takes the place of gathering with your community, known and not yet known members of a chosen group that choose to be present. Those that feel the draw of nature, the beckoning of plants, the call of wild places. Many of us appreciate quiet times in nature, but upon gathering with others, we can discuss, share, cackle and be inspired in knowing, even in our aloneness, we are not alone. We are not only surrounded by the plant ally’s and ecosystems of our homes, but of the spirits and memories of those we connected with in botanical solidarity. I know when I walk in the forest with my field apprenticeship, many of which were at the GMC, our steps are lighter, our connections deeper and those wild spaces, cherished all the more. Kiva and Wolf are amazing facilitators of this wild energy that we all fit into our communities, but cherish the times to let it out to commune with our chosen herbal family.”
–Shana Lipner Grover
“As an herbalist and mentor, it is important to me to be involved and immersed in the community of natural healers and allies. With that said, I only attend and put energy into places that really fulfill that entirely. The Good Medicine Confluence is an amazing gathering of knowledge, tradition and experience that really focuses on bringing plant medicine to everyone, and making it easy to understand and accessible to people from all walks of life. The Confluence does an amazing job of merging to local landscape with the teachings. Plant walks, herb identification, local and ancestral preparations and communal learning where everyone can be apart of the experience. I am most excited to learn from new teachers, take courses about entheogenic mushrooms, folk wisdom and learn from leading edge practitioners about how they make and prepare their medicines. Anyone who has interest in learning more about medicine and being a part of this amazing community, I strongly encourage you to join in in all of the fun and knowledge that will be taking place!”
–Page Sol
“This event in many ways shaped my confidence in stepping into the herbalism world. I genuinely had no idea it was going on in 2017, I was quite lost at that time in my life coping with being back in the United States after having spent so much time growing in changing and being shaped by people and cultures that were oceans away. Where water was sacred with no question or discussion. I felt I understood on a personal level the tragedies that western society brings upon developing countries, particularly in the exploitation of Africa. I felt like walking up the hill to Fort Lewis one day, I had never been on that trail before. When I got up there I just circled about and found myself in the cafeteria, I saw a group of older women with lanyards discussing Elderflower. I was enthralled at their conversation and waited basically stalking them until they finished. I went up to someone working at the college and asked what was going on. He directed me upstairs to the witch’s market and it is pretty much a wrap from there. I for the first time felt like I could really pursue this. Up until that point my herbal knowledge was passed down to me by elders, witch’s and healers of lands that I was a visitor on. And when I came back, when I was protesting and educating about pipelines I kept coming across people with ailments that I had a knowledge of, or an intuition about. I never really thought of it as anything more than that, it was something to be shared. A common decency to the world and people. I never thought I could do something like this in my life so full on and invested. When I found this event I realized that all of these people with wealth’s of knowledge likely felt a level of intimidation and yet they are all so powerful and sharing. It was then I realized that I could pursue herbalism and alchemy as a career and a way of life. I find that the Herbal Medicine Confluence inspires me, being around mentors that have been living in this way for years, I think that this event in particular has an energy that is humbling in comparison to other events I have attended since discovering this one. It’s genuine. This event is actually the reason that I am doing what I am doing today.”
–Mo Michaelson
“I seek good medicine. Herbalism is innate. How petals lift under compassionate fingers, as if we ourselves dripped rain. How animate and alive the world is. We know plants, despite cultural forgetfulness, and the plants know us right back. But this innate relationship has endured violence and is woven into a much larger story of war upon the earth, and war upon stewards of her. This story is so powerful it has repeated itself on nearly every continent. If we are to return to the legacy of relationship with mother earth, herbalism must be rooted in reciprocity. Reciprocity between the maker and plant, the medicine and community, and perhaps most importantly with the larger story of this land and people who have held place relationships for millennia. I am constantly humbled by all I do not know, and I think this is a good thing. So in response to this childlike forgetfulness, I soak up moments to learn like cracking Southwest soil. I am hungry for stories and traditions of my people, but I must also learn how to walk here, with light feet, often barefoot. Practicing with plants, I believe, requires reflection and respect for the stewards of this land. To hold back the well meaning but ignorant child who just wants to take take take take, without stopping to listen, or even ask someone with an ancestral taproot who has known this place millennia longer than your own people. This is a meditation into grace. With this ever evolving disposition, I declare my intention to study plants. For much of my life, herbalism provided a modality for self and familial healing. I make friends and family tea blends, herbal broths, and salves. In chaotic adolescence, St. Johns and Valerian offered a pathway out of antidepressants. Healing blooms in ecology, but must find place in the bones of socio-structural. This shifts then into an inquiry of how we come together. This coming together is the annual Confluence of Good Medicine for self empowered people, withare dozens of practitioners and over 150 classes ranging from nurturing mothers to healing from abusive relationships to tincture making. There was even a class on Appalachian Doll Making, where some of my people first immigrated to the United States, that I was extremely emotional about attending! I’m drawn to this event as it centers radically redefining our paradigm through returning to old roots of healing. Once again, I’m reminded of how important grace and cultural respect are in this context of healing with and beside the land. This confluence offers full and partial scholarships, and I especially encourage any friends who are of color / low opportunity and access to apply. I brought my own questions of reciprocity and respect for Indigenous people/traditions into this gathering of passion and people and plants, and was welcomed. My wish with herbalism is that I will always return to doing right by this community, stewards of the land, my ancestors, the plants themselves, and my own soul. So, I will always sing to the rose that grows outside my house and seek opportunities of grace as we reimagine what it means to be a human in a community and heal.”
–Ellis McNichol
“I took two planes, traveled across two time zones, and then drove 3.5 hours to get to Colorado, and it was all worth it! The wealth of information, education, and pure passion for healing and health was awesome! I met some really wonderful people, whom I have since connected with, after the Confluence. I look forward to seeing all of these people and many more next year. My grandson even wants to come."
–Andrea Lumpkin
“It was a real delight to attend and teach at the Good Medicine Confluence in Durango again this year ... Great variety of teachers and topics, so much learning, community connection, and outright fun. I highly recommend putting this one on your calendar for next year!”
–Lisa Ganora (Elderberry School)
“Thanks once again for creating a space for the gathering of plant-centered healers. I know you work long hours all year to facilitate this co-mingling of plant-folk. I am still riding the high of being around so many plant people speaking of medicine, magic and reconnection. It really is like nothing else. I enjoyed this year's conference on many levels. As a student, I was inspired by established teachers as well as new voices. I was excited to see the growing consciousness of gender fluidity in many classes, not just the one devoted to creating safer spaces for trans folks. As a teacher with students in tow, many of whom are queer and/or trans, this was a relief. It is always a risk to bring them to learn from other teachers, not knowing what they might say. My apprentices were glowing with excitement every day. That we were able to bring them was a rare, wild gift. As a teacher presenting at the conference, I had the pleasure of sharing knowledge, both of conservation and mental health, with so many wonderful, grateful people. Their appreciation and insights recharged me and reminded me why I do what I do. Once again, I left this special gathering a little sad to leave but reinvigorated, inspired and even more committed to the great work.”
–Janet Kent
“From Wolf’s welcoming (truly welcoming!) address to the variety and quantity of classes offered to the caliber and diversity of teachers present…it was an amazing learning experience. I learned a great deal from the classes and from the essays that the teachers submitted. These essays are very informative and educational. I loved it! Thank you.”
–Suzie Meade
“I had planned to go to another herbal conference and a primitive skills gathering the month after The Good Medicine Confluence and I didn't. The Confluence was what I had been looking for all along, it was the community that I was seeking, the acceptance I longed for, the sharing of knowledge freely that I devoured. The event took away the stuffiness of conference centers, had a carefree culture of primitive events and music! Oh my gosh you made an herbal festival, not just a conference! There's really something special about the event, I just feel it.”
–Carmila Vivian
“Wolf and Kiva make the Confluence a grounding space and experience for all to feel centered in a world that feels awfully topsy-turvy right now. Thank you so much for your labor of love conference and everything you do!”
–Lori Roop
“I am an Indigenous woman from Guatemala raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. My parents could not speak English, yet they taught me how to grow food and tend to plants. As children we never really understand the lessons we receive from our elders. Growing up it was very difficult for me to make connections with others. Traveling to Guatemala every year and coming back to attend school in the United States was difficult, everyone always questioned where I was from and I never understood my classmates sense of humor! I was embarrassed to recognize my Guatemalan heritage for reasons I don’t even remember. Maybe because I felt embarrassed that Guatemala is considered a third world nation, I was afraid to be different, Or I felt ugly. Who knows!?? I constantly lied about my ethnicity! The people of Guatemala have been in civil war for 35 years. The war ended in the early 90’s. The war was the state against the Indigenous people. Families where lost including shepherds. Many people died wiping out cultures and wisdom. Care takers of the land where lost to pillage and rape. Resulting in natural resources being exploited. Unfortunately, the TVs paint another picture. In the eyes of the average Guatemalan families who lived in the cities, the natives and shepherds of the wild lands were the enemy. The Guatemalan ancestral linage was lost to the fires of the war. My family was victims of colonization 500 years ago and still to this day. There is a vail of mystery around the topic of colonization and ancestral roots to immigrants. No one questions it. We are so used to being around other immigrants, it all just becomes a big blur. Ancient Indigenous people of Europe where also victims of oppression. Cultures, traditions, wisdom were all victims of the same cruel fate. As a child, I knew I wanted to help others. The winds whispered to me of healing and revolution. Naturally people reached out and it all flowed effortlessly. Following the trail of my thoughts and the beat of my heart, I sought the truth questioning everything! This path of truth has brought me to The Good Medicine Confluence. When I heard of the Good Medicine Confluence I had recently returned from Institute Mesoamericano de Permacultura on the shores of Lago Atitlan, Guatemala. Shortly after, I purchased a small property in the Mojave Desert. Most of the money I make I use to develop the land and reinvest in my education. Financially, I could not afford to attend the Confluence. Never taking ‘No’ as an answer, I reached out for any of the listed options: work trade, payments, half scholarship and full scholarship. I received no immediate answer. I waited and then I reached out once more to Plant Healers Jesse Wolf and Kiva Rosa and was told there were no more work trade positions or scholarships, but they were going to grant me a full scholarship anyways. Could you imagine my excitement? Pure Bliss! Attending the Good Medicine Confluence has been such a blessing and a complete life altering experience. I have never felt more aligned with my true purpose. I am immersed in the river of synchronicity, being taken by the currents and enjoying the ride. Listening to our plant elders and allowing myself to be guided by the Divine. The Good Medicine Confluence is completely cutting edge, bringing light to oppressed topics and holding space for society to shift. I am beyond grateful to be able to say I, an Indigenous woman from Guatemala, against all odds, was able to attend this Confluence and be a part of the shift. The Good Medicine Confluence has such a large ripple effect on humanity. Planting seeds of hope and change, we are the Culture Shifters, Plant Healers, and Edge Dwellers quietly crafting our magic and together changing the world. Meeting incredible teachers inspiring my path as a Plant Healer, allows us all to not be afraid of embracing our roots but instead celebrate diversity! This has inspired me to truly embrace my culture and allow myself to walk tall for the ancestors, plants included. Human beings have been evolving alongside these plants for millenniums. The Good Medicine Confluence taught me that we are all one! We are somehow all the same. We all laugh, cry, love, hate, fight, and heal. It doesn’t matter which part of this blue dot in space you are coming from. We are connected through Love, Universe, Creator, God whatever you want to call it! It has led me here writing this vision of a new tomorrow. Free yourself to allow yourself to be what you are meant to be. We are all beautiful, unique, and bring a different type of medicine to people! I am inspired to be a student and teacher in my community, practicing decolonization for all people. Let us not destroy but create, build it up and watch it grow abundant. I am no longer going to let my identity on this Earth bound me to a cage. No more, I refuse. Off with these chains. We deserve something beautiful. I am an Environmental Warrior, Culture Shifter and Sharer of Wisdom, planting seeds with intention, working with children, and spreading this message all over the world. Spreading roots everywhere I am while creating meaningful work. Not only am I inspired to connect with native plants around me but to also connect to the native lands of my ancestors in Guatemala and from around the world. This is love, Yes, this is love. Thank you to The Good Medicine Confluence for allowing this unfolding of events and collective consciousness. Here’s to a new tomorrow."
–Grounding Marley
“Sharing my own personal growth and journey with plant medicine over the past 4 years at The Good Medicine Confluence has expanded my knowledge and heart for this work. Being a part of the foundation of Plant Healer’s events has been my greatest pleasure and filled me with such Joy! I am ever amazed at the beauty, heart and soul of the folks who come and teach, volunteer and attend this incredible event! Let’s keep sharing the good medicine while we open and expand are awareness and hearts together. Looking forward to seeing everyone again!”
–Amanda Furbee (proprietor of The Herb Shoppe)
“This event ages better each year, like fine wine or perhaps like the sparkling mead we learned to make in some of the classes. From far and wide, this sacred space draws those who are the wild, the weird, and the wonderful. I tasted rose elixir while listening to poetry about the scent of roses on the salty air, I rubbed myself with pine salve, I felt the edges of my paradigm pushed into something deeper, and I listened to wisdom deeply rooted in practicality. Each time I attend, I find myself journeying closer to the person I want to be and I can feel new growth being born. There is such good energy in this space and so many truly quality people who bring a great diversity of experiences and perspectives.”
–Jenny Solidago Mansell (Solidago Herbcraft)
“I saw misfits, star gazers and romancers of science. I saw plant gatherers, witches, philosophers, and fairies. I saw childlike wisdom that every answer has infinite questions and there is magic in the trees and all that surrounds us. I saw the essence of beauty, shared for an instant, defying description. I saw basket weavers, revolutionaries, healers and spirits. I saw love, stumbling around true and unfiltered. And i saw hope, vulnerable but without fear.”
–Greg Alston